The Mallaig Book Festival
A Write Highland Hoolie!
7 - 9 November 2025
This year we are delighted that 'Message in a Bottle' will be our opening event
‘Se pìos ùr a th’ann an ‘Brath ‘sa Bhuideal’ air an sgrìobhadh le Ingrid NicEanraig airson 2020 Bliadhna de Chladaichean ’s Uisgeachan le taic bho Dualchas Nàdar na h-Alba. Le ceòl air an sgrìobhadh as ùra agus òrain traidiseanta ’s pìos film, cuiridh sinn sùil air a’ chuain, a bhuaidh a tha e ‘toirt orinn, an ceangal a th’ againn leis agus na creutairean a tha fuireach num cuairt. Air an taisbeanadh bhon àrd ùrlar ann an dà chànan - Gàidhlig ’s Beurla.
‘Message in a Bottle/ Brath ‘sa Bhuideal’ is a new music and audio visual show from Ingrid Henderson for 2020 Year of Coast and Waters. Through newly crafted music & song, and powerful imagery and animation, it explores themes of ocean currents, migration & environmental impact as well as celebrating our incredible marine life and coastline. Interwoven within this are ancient Gaelic melodies and songs highlighting the strong cultural connections of our coastal communities to the seas around us.
The undeniably romantic notion of casting a message into the ocean and allowing fate, the currents, wind and nature to guide the journey and decide its final destination, formed the catalyst for this piece. In 2008 a nine year old boy from Armagh placed just such a message in a bottle off Northern Ireland and ten years later it washed up on Canna. The message was a simple one of childhood love, and it’s this story & innocent sentiment that forms the stimulus to explore the bigger ideas of tides, emigration & sea journeys through music, song & film.
The Performers are: Ingrid Henderson (harp/ piano/ vocals)
Anna Massie (guitar/ fiddle) Megan Henderson (fiddle, vocals & piano)
Conal McDonagh (Irish pipes/ whistle)
with animation and visuals by Cat Bruce and Somhairle MacDonald.